The size of your business card can play a surprisingly significant role in whether or not people will get the impression from it that you actually intended. A business card that is far too small will get misplaced a lot more often than one that is really big, but suffice it to say that going too far in the opposite direction would not be all that sensible of an endeavor either at the end of the day. Hence, it would be best if you at the very least tried to find some kind of a middle ground that gives you the best of both worlds.
You likely already know at this point that metal cards should be created in a 3.5 by 2 inch frame. However, does this also apply to any and all images that you are thinking of adding to the card? We would say that the images should not be the exact same size as the card because they might distort or obstruct certain vital information that you would want the card to contain.
Adding images to your business cards makes them really hard for anyone at all to miss, but that doesn’t change the truth that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Images need to be places strategically so that they can give you all of their attention grabbing potential without detracting from the vital information that your card is meant to convey. Don’t make the mistake of getting overly excited with your business card images since this can cause a lot of problems that you would truly struggle to successfully and thoroughly resolve in any capacity whatsoever.