The most common way for people to acquire accommodation that they can reside in for the foreseeable future is to rent an apartment or a house, and if they are financially able they might spring for a purchased home that was prebuilt in some way, shape or form. That said, if you really want to live in a house that will be built specifically to your lofty standards, suffice it to say that you would be far better off building it yourself at any given point in time.
A big part of the reason why that is the case has to do with the fact that building your own home gives you full control over how the finished product will look, and usually the last step that you would take would involve giving your house several layers of weather resistant paint. It can be extremely useful to do some pressure washing before you apply the paint though since this will wash away any grit or particles that might have broken your otherwise even coating.
Before you start painting, you might want to wait for your surfaces to dry. A wet surface can be a real nightmare to paint since the coating would start to run. Paint needs to dry, so any moisture on the surface where it is about to be applied will be ruinous. You should take great care to wait at least two days prior to painting your home if it is made with red bricks. These bricks purge water a bit faster than concrete, and they look a lot nicer too so there are several advantages associated with going for them all in all.